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Living Traditions Festival
Samantha Sorensen, Staff Writer • May 21, 2024
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Ayan Mohamud, Writer • May 15, 2024

Sportsmanship and inclusivity at Hunter High

Photo Credit: @hhs_volleyball_ on Instagram, @hunterhighathletics on Instagram, @hunterdrill on Instagram
Photo Credit: @hhs_volleyball_ on Instagram, @hunterhighathletics on Instagram, @hunterdrill on Instagram

Here at Hunter High, we have a very vast number of sports teams and clubs for students to be a part of. It is always strongly encouraged that students join one or more of these extracurricular activities, and it led me to wonder how students who already participate feel about them. The big question is; how exactly is the sportsmanship and inclusivity at Hunter High?

What is Sportsmanship 

Oxford Languages define the word sportsmanship as “fair and generous treatment of others, especially in a sports contest.” After interviewing a number of students at Hunter who take part in school activities, I observed that this isn’t something that we lack.

Sportsmanship and the Boys Baseball Team

The Hunter Boys Baseball team is a spring sport, meaning it began in the third quarter and is still in motion as of now in the fourth quarter. I interviewed Tanner Lobos, a Junior Varsity baseball player, as well as Micheal Garner, the Hunter baseball coach, to ask how they feel personally about how the season is going as well as what they think of the team overall. Tanner described his experience playing for Hunter as “really fun”, and that a lot of the players on the team are beginners. Mr. Garner shared his sentiments on this, and states that even though they don’t have a ton of victories, he really enjoys working with the team and loves all of the players. When I asked Tanner to elaborate further about the team, he described it to be “really welcoming,” and that the coaches “treat everyone pretty good for the most part.” I then asked Mr. Garner about his coaching style, and he described what I would consider a “tough-love” kind of approach, which I think could be what Tanner was referencing. Overall, my impression of the boys baseball team is that it is a very beginner approachable and accepting team, where the coaches really care about the players involved.

Sportsmanship and Integrity in LIA

LIA, or Latinos in Action, is a club and organization that is designed to “empower Latino youth to lead and strengthen their communities through college and career readiness.” ( The mission statement and the values the club have were very intriguing to me, and I was nothing short of inspired after interviewing a student who is a part of LIA’s presidency, Jalinet Miranda. I began by asking her how she would describe her overall experience being in LIA, to which she responded “Being in LIA has helped me overcome challenges I experienced while in school, which has improved my motivation for education and has helped me become a better person overall.” She stated that LIA “made her feel incredibly welcome”, and that she especially feels this way “when working on a project, where we all get along well.” I also learned from another student who was previously in LIA that those involved participate in a number of community service acts, such as going to Granite Elementary Schools to tutor young students. Overall, my impression of LIA as a whole is that it is very inclusive and motivating to its participants, as well as it contributes largely to our community.

If you are interested in LIA, or for more information about them and their club, follow their Instagram; @hunterhigh_lia, or visit their website; 

Sportsmanship and the Girls Basketball Team

The Hunter Girl’s Basketball Team is one of our sports that I don’t think receives enough credit or coverage, so I was more than happy to interview one of its players to produce a deeper look into what it was like to be a part of it. Jalene Echeverria, a Sophomore who played on the team during its pre-season, said that her personal experience on the team “had its ups and downs.” However, she said that overall, shes “made many friendships playing basketball,” and that it “exposed her to things she can use in her life ahead like consistency, being talkative, working hard, and working as a team.” When I asked her about the sportsmanship on the team, she responded honestly by saying that it “can definitely improve.” She says that she thinks “negativity can tend to bring others down, and can make the game more difficult to play”, which I think is something anyone would agree with. She also said that “the team was welcoming” when she joined, and even though “it took a little bit to get to know people and create friendships”, it “still has remained welcoming.” I then asked how she felt about the treatment her and team received from their coaches, to which she responded “All of the coaches in my opinion have been respectful to the team. They try their best to teach us new things to improve our play.”  Overall, my impression of the Girls Basketball Team is that while at first it may have a little bit of an intimidating environment, it is worth it in the long run, as it teaches its players to be more outspoken and work harder as a team. I also think that the team dynamic is helpful in building friendships, because players had to push themselves to get to know each other more.

Sportsmanship and the Girls Tennis Team

This year was a very successful and impressive year for our Girls Tennis Team at Hunter High, as they won the region championship for the first time in over a decade. Today I interviewed the girls responsible for the exhibition teams victory, Angelina Nguyen and Emma Djuheric. I began by asking them how their overall experience playing for Hunter tennis was. Angelina started by saying that it was “a fun experience because of the people and its environment.” She described the environment of the team to be welcoming, and when asked to describe its sportsmanship, she responded very positively. She claimed that sportsmanship was a “10/10”, girls on the team are “very supportive of each other”, and their coach “pushes them to cheer for one another constantly.” Emma agreed with a lot of Angelina’s thoughts on the team, as she shared similar ideas when I interviewed her separately. She stated that she always felt included and involved in the team, and that “the girls would always cheer each other on during and after games.” Overall, my impression of the Girl’s Tennis Team is that it has a very hardworking dynamic, and that this is possible due to all of the girls involved empowering each other and making each other feel included constantly.

If you are interested in Hunter Girls Tennis’, or for more information about them and their team, follow their Instagram; @hunterhightennis

Sportsmanship and Hunter Drill

If you know of Hunter, you definitely know of Hunter Drill too. Our Silhouettes are very talented, and they perform very complex and impressive routines at a variety of school events, such as assemblies, football games, basketball games, and showcases, as well as competitions. I interviewed one Hunter Silhouette, Elsie Tukuafu, to learn more about the team as well as what it’s like to be apart of it. She said that being on the team has “honestly been amazing”, and that she has “learned discipline and hardworking from her coaches.” When I asked her to elaborate on her and the teams relationship with their coaches, she explained that “Sometimes it was really hard to stay motivated. But my coaches and teammates really helped me see everything more positive and I’ve made some really great friendships from being on the team.” She describes the team aspect to be very close-knit, and that even though “it’s hard to be happy for another one’s success sometimes”, their team has “overcome all of that and shown so much love and support for one another.” She says that even from the beginning, her and her team had an immediate connection, and that everyone “tried connecting with each other as soon as we all met.” Overall, I was given the impression that Hunter Drill is almost like a family. The dancers on the team are always working to uplift each other and have such a heartwarming connection that I can see lasting for years to come.

If you are interested in Hunter Drill, or for more information about them and their team, follow their Instagram; @hunterdrill


Tanner Lobos, Class of 2027

Angelina Nguyen, Class of 2026

Emma Djuheric, Class of 2026

Elsie Tukuafu, Class of 2026

Jalene Echeverria, Class of 2026

Jalinet Miranda, Class of 2026


“Sportsmanship does not only exist in the playing field, but in everyday aspects of life”

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About the Contributor
Samantha Sorensen, Staff Writer
Hi! My name is Samantha Sorensen and I am a sophomore at Hunter High School. Some things I like to do for fun are hang out with friends and family, watch movies, and go shopping. My interest for journalism started when I took a speech and debate class during my freshman year of high school. I discovered that I like arguing a point and trying to make a change, but I didn't like the competition. I feel that because of this, Journalism is a better fit for me, because I can write influential stories and prove a point but without the competition and arguing, and so far I am really enjoying this class. This school year I am looking forward to meeting new people and learning new things, and I am hoping to broaden my horizons in journalism.

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