Next week, the 18th-21st, Cheer tryouts are being held everyday from 2:30-5:30. In order to be on the cheer team next year, you must attend the parent night that will be held March 12th at 5 PM, complete the cheerleader application, do “register my athlete” online, complete a tryout packet, have a minimum Q2 GPA of 2.8 with no F’s, and a Q2 minimum CPA of 2.8. If you’re at all interested in trying out, or just wanting to test the waters, head to the gym after school ends next Monday. The boys on the cheer team are also urging for more boys to try out for the 2024-2025 cheer season. They want to break the stigma that only girls can cheer, and say if you like doing stunts, doing cheer would be a lot of fun. If you have any questions or just want to see what cheer is all about, you can visit the cheer and boys cheer pages on Instagram; @hunterhighcheer and @hhs.cheer.boys.