New year – new me

Selina Malu, Staff Writer

As we are creeping up onto a new year everyone around the world makes new goals and new resolutions till next year. One of my own goals for this 2022 year is to become independent financially. Growing up I always depended on my parents and whoever helped provide for me. But as I grew I learned the importance of money and how quick money can be lost. In my junior year, I got my first official job as a Nurse Assistant and worked to gain hours for my Certificate. As my paycheck came in so did the many bad habits like shopping for unnecessary things and constantly going out with friends. Looking back I realized that I lived from paycheck to paycheck when my first paycheck finished I would wait for the next one to make a living off it. I want to change my old habits and learn how to become financially stable and able to pay for everything that I would need in life, like my car, apartment, water, electricity, and miscellaneous bills.  As we go onto this new 2022 year let’s try to be better than our old selves.