Protesting a virus

Haelei VanGend, Staff Writer

Certain groups of people all over New York city are protesting covid-19. They are blocking roads, holding up signs, and screaming things like “the virus isn’t as deadly as they say it is”. There is a video going around social media that showcases all of these people; it’s showing off the people doing these things. Groups are screaming at cops who are trying to stop these riots, telling people to “take their masks off”, and holding up signs saying things such as “Fear the government not a virus.” This group is basically made up of everyone who thinks the virus was created, and spread by the government. I’m not sure what these people think it will do. A virus cannot be protested.

A lot of people were quick to re-post the video and call them out. The riots are being called selfish, ignorant, and horrible. New York currently has 282K confirmed cases. This is not counting all of the unconfirmed cases. If New York was a country alone, it would be #2. And people are still going out to Central Park, especially because the weather is warming up. Protesting a virus will do nothing. These people aren’t taking this seriously enough.

The virus will not stop spreading if you scream, honk, and hold signs up. The virus will stop – and our lives will go back to normal – if we all stay home. Interestingly, those persons who want this to end and want our lives to go back to normal, are also the people who are going out to parks and hanging out with friends,and spreading as much of the virus as possible. And they are also the people rioting in New York. They are rioting because they “want everything to go back to normal,” yet they are part of the problem and are making it worse and more long term. Everyone needs to stay home. This virus is so much more serious then people are making it seem. Stay home, and stay safe.