Keeping your head up

Haelei VanGend, Staff writer

These days are hard. It is hard to be indoors with not much to do. People all over the world have had a hard time staying happy through this pandemic. But we all need to do our very best to continue to stay inside, as it will allow us to go back to normal sooner.

This pandemic can bring us all closer. With video calls, spending more time with your families at home, getting closer to siblings, we can all do it. Everyone need to keep your head up during this time. Pick up new hobbies, make new online friends, the possibilities are almost endless. We all need to continue to pick each other up through this scary time. Get in contact with old friends, and check up on some people you haven’t talked to in a while.

We can all get through this pandemic no matter how long it takes, we will all have to be in it together. Stay safe, healthy, and happy.