Adapting to distance learning

The back of the school without the extension

Carlos Whitmer, Staff Writer

While we are not going to be returning to school, that does not mean that we have to give up on learning. It’s also an important thing to remember that even though school is not the same, that does not mean that we let our grades drop. For some people this is easy and others struggle with remembering and not procrastinating. We have to adapt to this new form and remember that school is still important and we have to designate time in our week so that we can keep caught up and on track. We also have to remember that even though we are not learning the same way we still have to take tests at the end of the quarter. Although some of the larger more important tests have been rescheduled or changed we still have to study so that we don’t fall back in this time of crisis.

It’s also important to stay social and in contact with people. It’s OK to be sad that we lost this quarter and we have to feel bad for the seniors who are losing this very important moment which you can never experience again. It’s also sad to think about how much time will pass before we go back to that fun crowded atmosphere of high school. Although this has set us back, it is important that we follow these rules so that things can go back to normal faster and that we can go back to having fun with each other. Just keep your head up, follow the rules, and stay in contact with people that you care about and if you’re bored just try to focus on yourself and pick up some new skills.