Stay home

Another caption.


Another caption.

Haelei VanGend, Staff Writer

As we all know, the COVID-19 breakout has gotten out of hand. We all know how to prevent the spread, but most of us aren’t actually doing it. Stay home! Staying home is the best way to prevent this virus from continuing the spread. I see people leaving their house all the time, and not taking this seriously. If we don’t stay home, everything will shut down. Sooner or later it will be too late to return our lives to normal. Staying home is truly all we can do at this point. If we don’t stay home, nothing will change.

The more people that don’t say home the worse this is going to get. This virus is spread by human contact. Leaving your house entails contacting humans. Whether you see someone, or someone touches something you did. You can still be a carrier of the virus without getting infected, or even knowing you have it. A healthy young teen could be carrying the virus and without even knowing they have it, they leave their house thinking they are safe, and spread it to an older less healthy person.

This could cause that older person to die, and even spread it to other people before they know they are a carrier. The only way to prevent this disease from further taking over our lives, is staying home. Stay safe everyone.