Stay safe

Elizabeth Poole, Staff Writer

I know many people are staying safe at this time. The elementary teachers decorated their cars and went around all the blocks of the school and all the little kids got to see their teachers. It was so sweet and it was very nice seeing people staying happy during this time. It is great to see something like this and not think about it so much, and still be safe.

There are so many people that just make this situation great and they just want the best for people. I noticed there are many teachers,staff and even police officers that helped in the little parade for Hunter Elementary. There are many people that would like to leave their houses, and yet they can’t really do much but stay in their homes. We know this is for the best though, so we can stop the spread. And there is a lot of faith,too. We will get through this together.

This is new for all of us. Just stay in your homes and take care of yourself. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and social distance are very important. It is important to stay positive during this time. Maybe one of the hardest things is how many things are canceled. All of this is crazy, but we will get through it. I hope everyone remains safe and nothing happens to your loved ones, and if they do have issues at all I wish the best for them. No one should have to go through with having the virus, losing a loved, or being isolated and depressed. Know there are many people that care for you, and your safety.