Dress code

Elizabeth Poole, Colby Hayden, Staff Writers

The dress code at Hunter is for the most part followed. But there still are some students not following these rules. One of these rules is about hats. They can only be Hunter hats, yet still some people are breaking the rule. The staff and teachers are not allowing them to do this anymore. They will take your hat away if they see it’s not a Hunter hat or give you a warning to take it off.
There are also rules on hoodies where the hood cannot be worn up. Students see this a lot around the school and sometimes teachers will just walk by and say nothing about the offense. This happens even in some classes.
The belly shirts are also a big one that most people don’t follow. Students try to hide it with jackets when teachers are around, or try to make it seem like they are doing nothing wrong. It is a rule that everyone must follow, it’s not made for just a few people, they created the dress code for everyone to follow, so students need to stop thinking they do not need to follow the rules, no one is better than anyone else at this school so they do not have permission to walk around with half of their torso showing. Have some decency while at school.
Students should all follow the rules. When you’re at a job and if they have a dress code, you can end up getting fired if you break the code. Plus, it shows respect to those around you because not everyone is interested in seeing your stomach (if you’re the one with your stomach exposed.). It really is not hard to follow a few simple rules. Be grateful we don’t have a specific dress code like polo shirts and khaki pants. If you abuse the rules we have now, we could end up getting a stricter dress code.