Graduation is fast approaching

Ajla Sabljakovic, Staff Writer

Hunter High School seniors, graduation is May 21, 2020. That is only 86 days away. We are almost at the finish line but for those students who are still behind on graduation requirements make appointments you will need to meet with your counselors fast. Also be sure to meet with Mr. Kim to discuss colleges or seek help in filling out the FAFSA application. For other students the school year is nearing it’s end, and some of the biggest events of the school year are approaching at last.

One big event during the sschool year is the long awaited spirit week. This week the class officers are gathering students of their grade to help decorate the hallways. It seems quarter three is also almost over so make sure to keep up your GPA and CPA to finish this school year off strong. As for the final school dance Senior Ball, will be held on May 9th. Which gives all students enough time to prepare for an amazing time.

If you aren’t a senior yet but you still want to incorporate to the 2020 Hunter High graduation, get together with your friends and perform something at graduation. Graduation auditions will also be happening this week.

On May 21, 2020 the graduation ceremony will be held in the Huntsman Center at 10 AM.