Supreme Court’s upcoming decisions

Ajla Sabljakovic, Staff Writer

The Supreme Court will be hearing a wide variety of upcoming court cases such as the possibility of overturning a previous court case Roe v. Wade, that gave women the right to an abortion. Over 200 republicans have urged the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade alongside Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Though the issue of abortion isn’t the only hot topic the court will be deciding on this year.

By the end of June, the court would have also decided on what restrictions on guns or firearms would be allowed and constitutional. As a few states only allow you to only have the firearm inside your home, you are expected to never take it outside to any public event or setting. Which causes issues for some people that conflicts arise making this upcoming court case a hot pressing topic for many. So we will just have to wait and see what the court decides.

Another case stirring controversy is whether discrimination against a person’s sexuality is protected under the constitution. As of right now in the United States, employers and businesses can refuse to hire you or allow you to purchase goods/services from stores based on your sexuality and identity. A few cases have risen throughout the country about this matter which is why the court is scheduled to decide upon this issue soon.

As of currently the Supreme Court has 9 appointed judges. Five of the nine lean towards conservatives and the other four are more liberal, so the country is eagerly waiting on what these nine judges will decide on these major cases that could potentially shape the future of the United States of America.