LSU and Clemson recap
January 17, 2020
How did LSU and Clemson even get to the finals and have a game with one another? LSU won every single game there was this season with average scores in the 50s, which is really good. Plus they had a very good defense, keeping everyone’s score under 45. LSU absolutely killed BYU and Utah State. but BYU scoring not a single point looked bad, but they did have good defense. Utah State did make 6 points with a okay defense. In all though LSU did have an amazing season, and honestly one of the most successful teams out there currently.
sonemson had a very good year as well, they came in 14-1, losing only two games this year, and one was in the college playoff game. Ohio State was very close to getting into the final game but ended 13-1. Still they also had a great season. The only team to Clemson lost to this year in their season was Syracuse, but there score was very close at 27-24. If Clemson just played a little harder they could have had a perfect season like LSU. Clemson was barely ahead of some other teams in scores. The teams Clemson played resulted in close scoring overall, so likely that means Clemson could have a even higher chance of getting into the finals next year again with LSU. (Or it could be unlikely, but it would be cool to them do bigger and better then they did this year.) Some games they played though were amazingly good, with scores being in the 50s and the opposing teams being in the teens. Still, their highest score game was against Virginia with the score of 17-62.
For the 2019-2020, all in all, Clemson and LSU they had very good seasosn and hopefully we see more of them next year. The National Championship game with LSU and Clemson was probably one of the most crazy games we’ve ever seen in college football history. Two teams with almost perfect seasons going head to head in the finals.