Pop culture’s influence on teens

Xitlali Martinez, Staff Writer

Pop culture is cultural products that are consumed through media by the majority of a society’s population. Youth just so happen to be that majority that consumes the most media. Pop culture has a huge influence on teens because they tend to imitate current trends or people in order to try and build their own character. Pop culture can have both a negative and positive affect on kids which is why we need to watch out for what kind of media teens are consuming and how it will affect society. People tend to mimic other people’s beliefs and behaviors based on what produces the most attention. Attention is something that certain people like to strive for so they’ll do whatever it takes to obtain it. The problem with this is that teens are seeing people doing all these these things and become so heavily influenced by pop culture that they completely reform their own thought process in order to match that of those who have gained popularity. However, pop culture isn’t always bad for teens because it allows them to form groups of people with common interests and helps them develop social skills. It’s also a great way of integrating things that on their own most people would find boring into more interactive things. Politics for instance typically bores teens and does not interest them at all, but if you let the right group get a hold of something important and give them the ability to plaster it on all platforms it helps teens get involved and know what’s going on. For instance the end of 2019’s trending topics consisted of a variety of things but the one that stood out the most was Trump’s impeachment. Pop culture is influential in both positive and negative ways it’s up to those consuming it to choose what they value and would like to continue seeing.