Petition calls for no more proficiency based grading at Hunter High school
December 19, 2019
What is better traditional grading or proficiency based grading? As of December 19, 2019 in my Biology class there was a student that had a petition calling for no more proficiency based grades. If the petition got enough signatures Granite School District will remove proficiency based grading from Hunter. Proficiency based grading should not be removed from Hunter High School because homework can decrease, it’s easier, and grading is more accurate.
First, homework can decrease because the focus of proficiency is testing. So mainly the teachers will only be grading tests and how proficient you for each standard. Homework can decrease because for teachers who are using proficiency based grading they do not grade your assignments, this will make it easier on the student since the homework is not going to be graded or added to gradebook.
Second, it’s easier because teachers won’t have to worry about grading all the assignments the students give them. It will also be easier because the only thing that needs to be graded is the given assessment in that standard. And for it to count for one standard you need 3 assessments. It will make is easier on the teachers and parents too because they can focus on what the student struggles and learning difficulties and they can give them what they need to be successful.
Finally, grading will become more accurate because students will be able to know what they are proficient in because it doesn’t involve homework and other assignments. It will also make it easier for parents to know what their kid is proficient in and what they are not proficient in. Proficiency based grading will also show the objective of each standard. And proficiency based grading goes on a scale 1-4. Zero being the lowest and four being the highest.
On the other hand, some may think that traditional grading is better because extra credit is given. However, not all teachers allow extra credit in their classes. And more homework will be given and it will be graded. At the end of the semester the grade comes out as percentage and a letter grade and it will not be accurate because your test scores may be high but low homework scores.
To sum up my thoughts, schools should stay using proficiency based grading or convert to proficiency based grading because grades will come out more accurate and it will show how proficient the student is in each of the standard and objective.