Construction in A hall

Elizabeth Poole, Colby Hayden, Staff Writers

Lately there has been construction in lower A hall for a new bathroom. The gym teacher, Mr Henderson, had said that the bathrooms are going to be for transgenders or for people who do not feel right with the gender they were assigned with at birth. This could be a negative and positive thing, now let us talk about the pros and cons to this situations.

Some of the pros are that, theses bathrooms can possibly make people feel more comfortable and be able to be who they are. They can have their own little safe place and wont have to go to the bathroom of the incorrect gender (the one they don’t identify as). This can also make them feel better about themselves and well, make people have more confident in themselves and with themselves.

However, there are sadly also some cons to this such as bullying and others that won’t really agree with this. Some people do not respect others and don’t believe that these people are feeling off in their own bodies, and they may find it unfair that they are getting their own bathrooms. There are some people that could make fun of this and this can get really bad for some people.  There could also be some people that can easily walk into that bathroom trying to make fun of them, and or just to mess around. The last con is that this could make them feel like they are being put on the spot, like all the attention is on them, which some people highly dislike.

Overall, despite the cons, we think that this is a good idea, so that they will get their own space were they can hopefully feel safer. This may also help with some of the bullying that might be secretly going on in lockers rooms, y’know, to get them away from it. Just a disclaimer, we are not trying to upset anyone in the LGBTQ+ community. Please, do not take it like that.