
Agustin Mariscal, Staff Writer

In this past year the world was battling with wild fires, mostly around the state of California. It was a wild season for wild fires that appeared in the state of California. These fires have burned about 253,000 acres of land, which was 6,876 wild fires that occurred.  The fires spread quickly and eventually the state had to evacuate certain areas where the fires were most intense. Homes of citizens were being burned to the ground leaving them with no place to stay at. It was a really tough time for the residents that had no homes for a certain amount of time. The cost that California had to pay was about $163 million dollars to repay the residents that were left with nothing.

These wild fires weren’t just occurring in California, the news reported that the Amazon forest was burning up a huge chunk of the forest. Naturally the fires could occur by lightning strikes on trees, but this time the fires were started by the farmers and loggers clearing up land crops. Although the fires created by them were not intentional the fires did severe damage to the forest, they say about 76,000 fires were burning across the Amazon. A lot of attention attracted towards different organizations to help out the Amazon and try to tame the fires that are burning the forest. The amount to restore the rain forest, low-end amount was $957 billion and the high-end is $3.5 trillion. Trying to restore the rain forest is not cheap at all.

No one really saw this as a threat to nature, most actors posted about it and showed that they cared about the forest, but not much attention was showed to the forests problem. Even so the government wasn’t focusing on this situation, this was a huge deal for the world, one of the biggest rain forest was on fire.