Getting ready to vote in the next presidential election
December 17, 2019
Next year, 2020, will be the next presidential election and it will become time to start voting and casting your opinion. Voting in America has always been something important, it works in two parts, the people’s vote and the electoral college. The people’s vote is what it sounds like, it is the vote that everyone that meets that guidelines can go out and pick who they believe should be our next president. The electoral college is a select few of electors who’s votes are the ones that actually pick the president. The reason this is important to write about to the school of Hunter High is that this next year, some of the seniors will have the opportunity to vote and they need to know that it is important to participate since it influences your future in this country.
While it is true that our votes do not actually pick the president, they still count and being involved with politics is something that can be beneficial to know, since it keeps you aware of what happening in the country you live and it makes it easier to look at the bigger picture of the world.
Another important thing when it comes to voting is to do research, you want to vote for the people that align with what you want. You also want to look at different sites and different sources since a lot of sources can sometime be biased towards one dimension and you want to get all the facts to make sure your opinions are not based on someone else’s bias.
Please go out there and vote for who you believe should be the next president. Just make sure to do your research and that the person that you vote for aligns with what your believe.