How should parents handle bad grades
December 11, 2019
Progress reports are coming up, so how should parents handle a bad grade? Parents should not yell because that just puts more pressure on the student. This will cause the student to stress out and feel bad or guilty about not being smart enough. For instance, when they’ve tried their hardest and still don’t meet the expectations out of their parents. Instead of doing all that, parents should handle bad grades by encouraging them to do better, setting limits, and talk about it.
First, encouragement will help because it makes makes the student feel better than being stressed out about the grades they got. This is why students tend to hide their grades away from their parents knowing they will be grounded or yelled at. Encouragement will help the student do better next time. It may have a potential that the student’s grades will improve.
Second, setting limits will be very beneficial because the student will know to work hard. Like if there was a test score a student got and it was not what they wanted setting limits will let them know what their parents expect of them. If they do not meet that expectations parents can take away their privileges. This will make them work harder so they can get what they want back.
Finally, there is talking about it. For example, a student gets a bad grade. The parents can find a time to talk about it to them. Like give them some pointers and help them do better next time. This will help the students know that they have somebody that can help them improve their grades. Usually when students don’t get help they will be more stress and stop trying and this will cause their grades to drop.
On the other hand, some people believe that parents should yell at their kids because the students will never learn their lesson if they aren’t yelled at. According to Yelling at Kids: Long-Term Effects, “It scaresĀ children and makes them feel insecure.”
A logical solution is to not yell at kids for their bad grades, but encourage them to do better next time. Set limits so the student know what their parents expectation is and work hard to reach it. Talk about it so the kids will know what to work on and improve on next time. As a result of this it will create a positive connection between parents and the students.