
Austin Jensen, Editor, and Staff Writer

The 2019-2020 school year is about halfway over. That means that for the seniors, there is roughly five months left of school. As for me being a senior, I am included in a group text where Mr. Kim sends out scholarship information, quotes, and other information regarding events and things going on with the seniors. It is a very useful and helpful way to learn/ be involved. There are so many different scholarships that anyone can apply for, it’s kind of insane. In the past month I’ve received 30 separate texts with information on winning scholarships and how to apply.

Hunter’s graduation date is being held on Thursday, May 21, 2020. The location is the Huntsman Center at 10 in the morning. As seniors, we are all so excited for this day. We have been looking forward to graduation for almost four years now. Well, probably even longer considering it was most likely a thought on our minds in junior high as well. I would like to encourage all students, whether you are a freshman or a senior, to stay on track to graduate so that when it’s your time to, you will be able to walk with your class. It is such a relaxing feeling knowing that I am on track, and that in May I will be able to walk with the rest of my class. And I hope everyone can/will feel the same near the end of their senior year.

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