American debt

Karen Morales, Staff Writer

Throughout the years it was known to some what exactly the American debt is, that is thought news, television, or seen such as in social media. But along that line there are some who just don’t seem to have that interest within the government, so best to do is to stay out of it by either not listening, seeing or knowing what is on about the debt. Without many paying attention or without notice, the debt has been rising ever since the stock market crashed in 1929. Since then 90 years have passed, and from what we started off by which was $17 billion, has finally reached the $14 trillion, that is in debt according to the balance website. Debt has increased doubled ever since not only presidents, but also the government using the money on stock for the many to use. But by the numbers that are shown over time, its seems like knowing how much is spent is better knowing rather than leaving people wonder what will it be like in the future with such a debt over them. By how fast the numbers are increasing no one can really say if the outgoing number will continue to increase or decrease during its lasting time. Along this line, many don’t know if things may get worse or for the better, or by how much will this affect our future, especially for the generation after us.