Make-a-wish week at Hunter high
November 26, 2019
This week, November 18th through the 22nd, Hunter high school will be doing the Make-A-Wish fundraiser. We are raising money for a little boy, Landon. Landon was born prematurely and was in the hospital for 93 days. Doctors found out that he was unable to eat liquid foods as a baby, and at just three years old, the boy hasn’t been able to have solid food. He has been to many physicians, but none were able to diagnose him. His wish is to go to Disneyland, which he refers to it as Disneyland World. He wants to meet Mickey Mouse, Pluto, The Avengers, and the Toy Story characters. Through-out the week we will be playing games, entering competitions, and donating to raise money for Landon’s wish. This Friday we will be having our Make-A-Wish assembly. This will be the main event of the whole fundraiser. We will be having a lot of games, and competitions to raise money for Landon’s wish. Make sure to be there and support him and your peers. The assemblies are always so much fun, especially when they are for such a good cause. The student body officers will be coming around the classes, and collecting any spare change and donations. Donating can also earn your class spirit points for the spirit bowl. Every $100 will be 25 points for your class. Make sure to participate and donate through-out the week, we want to make Landon’s wish come to life.