Positive advice from positive people: Austin and Kalissa
November 12, 2019
Q: My math teacher is really bad at upgrading grades at a decent speed, and my parents get after me when I have low scores in that class but its only because he hasn’t put anything in yet. What should I do?
A: Well, assuming you have told your parents that the only reason your grade is bad is because of your teacher’s slow grading system, the next step would probably be to talk to your counselor. I would ask them to either get you out of the class, or write a note for your parents. I am sure that hearing from your counselor will make your parents understand your situation.
Q: There is this boy in my grade, who I kind of have a crush on. How do I make it noticeable that I like him?
A: Depending on whether or not you guys are close there are many ways to show him that you like him. If you guys aren’t too close, I would start by just talking to him more. If you have any classes with him try to get to know him better. If you guys are pretty close, I would suggest making sure that it is clear you have an interest in him. Ask him about what he likes to do and such. Eventually grow out of small talk and start having some deeper conversations. This will not only allow you to get to know each other, but also to have a better connection and find common interests. Thus leading to maybe a few dates, or planned hangouts outside of school.
Q: My brother and I are two years apart and we are super close. He graduated last year and this year has been super hard for me. I thought that it being my Junior year I would be okay, but it has been a struggle. I have a few friends, but we aren’t really that close. I have talked about online school to my parents, and they said they are willing to do that for me, but I don’t want to chicken out of high school just because I am on my own for once. What do I do?
A: I totally get where your coming from. It can be so hard when your best friend isn’t in school with you. Especially when that person is also your big brother. I would suggest finishing out the term and then deciding. Maybe things will change, and you will want to stay, and if that isn’t the case then online school is a great option as well. I am sure that you will be happy either way, especially if your parents support you.
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