Higher pay for teachers
November 8, 2019
Teachers, they help shape our future and the individuals we become. Without them our society would be chaos. These people are the foundation that builds up society and they have the most difficult task to deal with, educating children and young adults. The majority of teachers teach because of their love for teaching, not because of the pay rate because frankly it’s one of the most underpaid professions. New York and California currently have the highest average teacher salaries in the U.S. while Utah is close to one of the lowest. This is does not account for the regional cost of living differences. When you do take into account the cost of living in all states and compare that to the average teacher salary the majority of these teachers salaries fall short. Some teachers have to pick up second jobs in order to provide for their families and their households because it’s just not enough. The vast majority of Americans support the idea of increasing teacher’s salaries because paying teacher’s more and funding our schools is really funding our future as a society.