Late start or early release
November 8, 2019
What do you prefer late start or early release? I prefer early out because it makes the weekends feel longer, having more time to do things on Friday, and it will disrupt a students sleep schedule. Having a early release can also benefit teacher because they can have time to grade their student’s assignments or tests and can have the rest of the days to themselves. Having a early release compared late start feels like you’re going through your classes a lot faster. Middle school and high school schedule are very different. Speaking from experience early release makes the week shorter and the weekend longer.
First, having early release makes the weekends feel longer. It makes it feel longer because there are more time on Friday to do things. Almost like if it was the weekend. Compared to late start the day is only shorter on Mondays and the rest of the days are regular schedule. This means that Friday would run on regular bell schedule too and we won’t have time to do things we like.
Second, having more time to do things on Friday. This means that if we have early release students will have more time to do things. For example students can do the things they enjoy doing and not worry about homework. Early release you get 2 hours off of school and for late start you only get 1 hour off of school. So this will make Fridays go by a lot faster.
Finally, having late start it will disrupt a students sleep schedule. This will disrupt a student’s sleep schedule because on a late start day 8:30 AM is when class starts which will give students an extra hour to sleep in in case they stayed up doing homework the night before. Then the next day the schedule will be 7:35 AM is when class starts so this will disrupt a student’s sleep schedule.
On the other hand, there are people who disagree with having a early release and they would prefer late start because they can stay up doing homework and won’t have to worry about waking up late the next day. And it will help students get more sleep if they have a test the next day. This may lower the tardies that students get. And converting schedule’c can be a struggle for parents and guardians.
To sum up my thoughts, schools that runs on a late start schedule should transition to early release because student’s can have more time to do things and not worry about homework, it can disrupt student’s sleep schedule which can result students into having more tardies, and it makes the weekends longer because we’re getting out earlier.