Impact of screen time in teenagers




Keeli Jackson, Staff Writer

You have probably heard that today’s youth has higher rates of depression and anxiety due to screen time. However, recent 8-year-study states otherwise. A research team studied people aged 13 to 20 to see how screen time would impact each age group.

One year they had people use social networking sites more, and the next they would use it less. Based on their information, the people weren’t any more nor less depressed or anxious than they had previously been. Many people tell teens to just get off their phones and enjoy the real world, but considering that social media and screens are such a huge part of today’s society, that isn’t what should be told to teens and young adults. Instead, they should be assisted in lessening their screen time. Without assistance, many won’t change the amount of time they spend on their devices. If they do continue to use their devices, help them use the devices in a better way.

Using phones right before bed can lead to issues falling asleep, so not using any screens up to an hour before you go to sleep can help to get you a good night’s sleep, which can lead to better mental health.

Teens comparing themselves to others on social media is what is causing teens to get feelings of depression and anxiety, the screen time alone doesn’t play much of a factor in lives aside from the difficulty falling asleep.