A little experience of college

Carlos Whitmer, Staff Writer

In these last couple of weeks here in Hunter High, we have been getting some knowledge about college. A couple of weeks ago we had college week and college night. These taught us some of the basics about going to college and how college life is to help us know how its going to be, but nothing teaches better than experiencing the real thing. This is why that in the last 2 weeks we have been having field trips to get a hands on experience of the college lifestyle.

This experience is really important for high school students that want to go to college. It helps them get the idea of how their life will be like if they do end up going to college. They also get a sense of how different colleges are when they are compared to the student’s past experiences of school life.

This field is just something that also gives kids the very important experience of college. They get to learn how different a college students schedule is compared to the schedule of a high school student. This will be an eye opening experience to many who never knew how different college is.