Cell phone addiction meeting
October 24, 2019
In 2019 it is no surprise that nearly every student has a cell phone. Cell phone use in the classroom has become a big concern for the teachers here at hunter because it has been conflicting with the students education. Here at hunter in the classroom how much or little phones are used is decided by the teacher. Some teachers allow you to use your phone as much as you want, and some teachers don’t allow you to use your phone at all. With students normally having 1-2 periods where they are not allowed access to their phones, some students still have a hard time making sure they stay off of it. Notifications going off in their pocket, or listening to music, makes it very tempting for some to get on their phone.
Students on their phone all day has become a concern to the granite school district and teachers and staff here at hunter. Hunter high has attempted many ways to spread the fact that staying off your phone as much as possible while at school will better your education and help in the future. With every poster around the school or 2 minute video that your teacher might show about cell phone use, students still aren’t listening.
For the 2019-2020 school year hunter high is holding a cell phone addiction meeting. In this after school meeting there will be people talking about how using your cell phone all day could be ruining certain grades and creating a lack of focus within students, how staying off of your cell phone will better your education, and overall how to be responsible with cell phone use during school hours, and more.
We are all very excited to see how this meeting will work out and to see if this effects or changed the behavior of our students. Teachers are very eager to see if this meeting will make a change for this up coming school year.