Freshman election week

Sofia Rocha, Staff Writer

Freshman election was last week. We hope everybody who won will have an amazing school year. This 2019-2020 school year the winners are Malousi Brown, Raven Toki-magoa, Leonala Miorga. Brown is the president, Toki-magoa is secretary, and Miorga is activity planner. We all hope that this year everybody will enjoy the various activities such as assemblies, dances, and clubs that they have in store for us. Since there will be many different activities throughout the year, we can all agree that that they get to be something we can all enjoy.

“I’d like there to be a Mexican themed dance someday,” said Yesenia Sanchez, [one designed for all Latino people.] She also expressed interest in an assembly where there are cultural dances being performed. A spirit week here a Hunter High would be something everybody would seem to enjoy. A whole week with different themes each day for each different grade. Another activity that would seem exciting for everyone could be a Halloween dance. For Yesenia Sanchez, she agreed, “I would like to see fog and spider webs everywhere. Kind of like a costume party, but a dance.” If there is a chance for a dance like this, we all suggest it does happen. There are several activities being planned, yet we can assure that anything this year will be fun! Go Wolverines!