Take advantage of our school’s blood drive

Carlos Whitmer, Staff Writer

Monday, a blood drive came to Hunter High and many donated. There are many good reasons why you should donate blood. The simplest and most important reason is that donating blood save’s peoples lives. When you donate blood, you give someone in need another chance to live. Blood donations help a lot especially during times of crisis when a lot of people are hurt and need blood.

Another reason is that if you were ever hurt and you needed blood then you wouldn’t hesitate to accept it and live on. If you can do this then you can donate without hesitation knowing that by doing this you can help someone on the verge of death. Donating blood is also a very easy thing to do. Just let the medial assistant walk you through and help you. You also get little snacks and prizes for donating.

Donating blood does not have any major downsides. The biggest one it has is that you get dizzy for a couple of days, but what is dizziness to saving someones life. The benefits of donating blood greatly outweigh the downsides.

Thank you everyone who came out and help saved some lives by donating blood this blood drive.