Kids and sports

Nick Sanchez, Staff Writer

Should you push your kids to succeed in sports and school? Ask anybody this question and you can get many different answers. But in my opinion, you should just let your children do them! There is always times to help out but you can’t always be there. They need to learn to be by themselves so they don’t rely on the parent or guardian all their lives. For example, it’s not like you can tell your kids to go do your taxes, pay the bills, drive themselves to school, daycare, and so on.

No parent should be upset with the way they perform in an extracurricular activity. Being upset or mad at your child for not performing well even when they try their hardest can cause major health issues. Including depression, anxiety, and stress.

In my experience, seeing parents react to their kids play basketball/football aren’t always the greatest. Some parents support there kids no matter what, on the other hand some parents can be awful to any small mistake.