New wing construction

Ethan Olsen and Nick Sanchez

Last week the school announced that they will be building a new part of the school to replace the relos. We decided to interview the vice principal Mrs. Branch to get more information about the construction. The construction of the new wing will start very soon and the construction will end June 2020, but a concession stand and bathroom area next to the tennis and football field is hopefully going to be completed a lot sooner than the wing itself.

The new wing will hold 14 classrooms. While the construction team is beginning to work, it will make a very big inconvenience for student drivers and teachers. They will be fencing of half of the parking, and to compensate for the loss of parking in that area they are going to try and establish parking in the drivers ed course. When asked when would new parking would be partially or fully usable, Mrs. Branch said they weren’t 100% sure.

We know how many classrooms are going to be in the wing, but they weren’t sure what subjects would be included in that wing. when asked what teachers would be moved in, or if they would hire more teachers. The school simply does not have all the information and details yet, but they said they would let us know soon.