New year – 2019

Ammon Stevens, Staff Writer

2019 is here. “This is my year” seems to be a very popular phrase. Then it turns out to not be your year, so you label it as a terrible year. But I don’t think that’s how it works. No matter what there will be sadness and anger in every year. I personally do not believe that there is a perfect year. How good a year is should be determined by how much learning and growth you did. You should even take in account the hardships of the year to prove to yourself that you are resilient and strong.

Let’s fill 2019 with kindness. That is a goal we can all realistically have. It may be hard to keep, but it would be worth it to be kind to someone. There would be so much more peace in the world. Imagine a world where we showed respect and understanding to each other. Wouldn’t that be amazing? So here’s to 2019! May it be filled with kindness.