High school graduation rates in Utah

Chloe Koons, Staff Writer

High school graduation rates have gone up in Utah recently. Utah’s graduation rate has climbed to 87% in the past 6 years. Last spring 47,487 students graduated from Utah public high schools. It has gone up by 1% in the last year, which is over 47,000 seniors graduating. Many of these are caused by a decrease in high-school dropouts since earlier years. This can be caused by increased pressure of parents and school to graduate. Many students want a better education now that the United States economic rate is also rising. This will make them want a job that can earn them money, which often requires at least a high school diploma, and often education after high school. To continue on this rate of graduation increase, we must continue to work hard, despite the difficulties. It will all pay off in the future.

Also, there is a major increase in minority graduation, which is some of the reason for these graduation rates going up. A major reason for the increase in minorities graduation, is the increase in support they get at their schools. The world continues to become more and more aware and helpful for these students as they begin to get more opportunities. This will help them participate more in school, and have the requirements needed to pass their classes. Black, American Indians, and Asians have seen the biggest increase in these graduation increases as it has increased in around 3%, with Asians being the most. This also includes people learning English having increased graduation rates, which were originally fairly low.