Upcoming holiday events in December
November 26, 2018
With the short break we just had for Thanksgiving, everyone is probably already looking forward to the winter holidays. It may seem far away, but December 1 is this Saturday. However, there’s still a month until the break, and so many things we can do before it to make school enjoyable.
On the week of December 10-14 we will be having a winter holiday week. There will be a winter instrumental concert in the auditorium on Monday the December 10th at 6-8 PM. The doors will be open at 5pm. From Tuesday to Thursday we will be doing the Miss Margenes Nutcracker. On Monday there will be rentals, Wednesday and Thursday there will be dress rehearsals, and Friday will be the performance.
Of course, the Winter Ball will be on Saturday, December 15 from 7-10 PM, so get asking soon. I’m sure this is an event that many people are looking forward to. On Monday the 17 from 6:30- 8:30 PM in the auditorium, and doors will be open at 6. There will also be an assembly on Thursday the 20th for the Holiday Performing Arts Assembly at the end of the school day.
We will be out of school on December 22 for winter break, and not come back until January 1. During this period we have off we can have time to relax and celebrate the holidays. During this time there will be Christmas, and we will be entering the new year of 2019, so hopefully you have a good time. For more information on upcoming events visit Hunter High School’s website and there will be more information on their calendar. You can also find any upcoming events on the calendar in the commons, or any major events will be hung on posters in the commons as well. More information will be given on the announcements as these events get closer.