Hunter High faculty interviews 2018-2019

Austin Jensen and Kalissa Kennedy

Mr. Peyton is a Social Studies teacher for our school and he loves to see past students succeed. He us currently reading “Stolen Legacy” by George G. M. James. He doesn’t have much on his bucket-list, nor is there a skill he would like to master. He uses the adjectives fun, hardworking, and flexible to describe himself. He wishes he could snap his fingers and money would fall from the sky, and some of his favorite places he has been are Grand Cayman Islands, Canada, and Mexico.

Ms. Branch is an Assistant Principal here at Hunter Hugh and she loves having a say on how the school runs. She is currently reading Richard Castle’s “Raging Heat Volume 6.” Something on her bucket-list is to live on a beach in North Carolina. She describes herself as tall, southern, and athletic. She wishes she could learn to speak Spanish, and wants to visit Beijing, China.