My opinions on the elections

Aspen Bentley, Staff Writer

I think that people should vote for whoever they want everyone has their own opinion and if they think that a person who they are voting for is going to get what they want done with the world then so be it everyone is not going to believe in the same things or want the same things so i think that they should vote for who they want and get it over with i understand it is something that is going to affect us for a long time. If the wrong person get the job then our world is messed up. but sometimes arguing over which side is better is not going to change the numbers or who has the job already.
I think fighting over something that is not even in are hand’s is so stupid because again no one is going to agree on the same things so why fight something you know will just cause a argument and some people think that everyone should believe and think like they do all the time and hate others if they do not do as they say i think that is crazy let people think like they wanna think and don’t get mad that they have a different opinions.
Also i think people who get mad over topics such as the elections then don’t set yourself up talking to them about that and cause and argument and i know some people love that kinda stuff starting things with people but personally i would would rather just say nothing on what i think about the election especially with people i don’t know i think keep it to yourself until someone says something but even then have a calm conversation.