Dear K&K

Kalissa Kennedy, staff writer

Q: I am really stressed about my grades, the ones that are going on my report card are fine, but it was so hard to get them there. I am anxious about next quarter, what are some tips on keeping my grades up?

A: Well, continue the things that helped you most for third quarter, and try to find some other things that help with your grades. As far as that goes, just make sure to complete all assignments to the best of your ability, and study when it is needed. My best wishes for you.

Q: My friends and I like doing a lot of things out of school, but lately they have been like leaving me out of things. Like the other day we were all going to go to the movies and they never came to pick me up, and they ignored all my texts. Then they would post on their story about the movie and it was really annoying. Should I tell them that they are being rude, or should I just ignore it and pretend I don’t care?

A: You should never have to pretend anything around friends, and to me it doesn’t sound like these are friends, at least not good ones. I would tell them how you feel, honesty is always best, and that way they can either fix it or you won’t have to waste your time anymore. Hope it works out for you.

Q: I want to join a club but I’m scared that no one will like me, or that I won’t fit in. Help?

A: Well, joining a club is a great idea, and I am about positive that this will be a great experience for you. Depending on the club, I’m sure that you will make plenty of new friends, and that you will be accepted to the fullest. Good luck.


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