Progress reports

Kaydence Richens, Author

Do you think progress reports are needed. Most people would answer that with “no”, but some others would answer with “yes”. We all have our opinions. So why would they be needed. Well they would definitely be needed if you don’t get on grade book to heck your grade often, or for students who don’t care about what their grade is so they just go on with their days not even caring. Progress reports would help them see what their grades are if they are deciding to be lazy.

Why wouldn’t progress report be needed. Well in my opinion if you are one of those students that get on grade book to check your grades at least once a week, you wouldn’t need them. Students who really care about their grades will be checking quite often so getting a progress report isn’t always necessary.

What are progress reports for. Progress reports are so students who don’t check their grades often can see how they are doing in their classes. They are a way of the administration to show you what progress you have made with your grades so far this quarter. It’s so students can see what their grades are right now so they can start working on getting them up for the end of the term. Not all student even care about seeing their grades because they don’t seem to care about their grades. While other students care so much they love getting progress reports.

So lets just say progress reports are import in some to some people and not so important to many others. Some people care a lot more than other people, and that is totally okay. So lets ask ourselves this, would you prefer making it your responsibility to check your grades, or would you like for there to be progress reports more often.