
Kaydence Richens, staff writer

As some of you may know, cyber bullying can be a really big issue. Especially here in the U.S. 1 out of 3 teens actually report others, when being bullied online. 36% of parents don’t even realize these types of things are happening, until it is too late. Teens are more likely to cyberbully than they are to bully in person. Teasing and fighting is much more common nowadays because of how anonymous it can be.

Cyber bullying can be a big issue, as 43% percent of kids have been cyber bullied at least once and 1 out of those kids have it happen to them more then once. More than 80% of teens use cell phones regularly, making cyber bullying more likely to happen. 81% of kids think that if they bully online they can get away with it a lot better, rather than if they bully in person. 90% of kids notice when cyber bullying is happening, yet they choose to ignore it. Girls are more likely to be victims than boys. 2 of 9 victims actually consider suicide.

I really believe that we need to take action. As teenagers we see so much harm all over the media, yet hardly anybody says anything about it. As parents you should be looking out as much as you can you can to see if there are any signs that your child is either being bullied online, or being the bully. Take action and help your kids, even if that means checking their social media here and there. They may think you are invading their privacy, but in the end they would thank you for looking out for them. No kid, teen or even adult deserves to feel like they aren’t worthy because of the way somebody else makes them feel, or even because of the way somebody feels about them.

If you are being bullied online or see somebody that is, please report it. You might think it will make you “uncool” or make you a “snitch”, but in the end you will be saving a life, whether it’s your own or somebody else’s. Never be afraid to stand up for what is right. Always think the highest, and know your worth.

If you are the cyber bully, stop it. Just because somebody is bigger than you in weight, or even smaller than you in weight. Just because you don’t think their outfit is the cutest or they aren’t the prettiest. Just because they don’t have the new up to date phone or gaming systems. Just because they don’t have all new clothes or all new shoes. That doesn’t give anybody a right to bash other people over the internet, or even in person for that matter. Don’t be the bully, or the one that stands by the bully. Be a person that you will be proud of, telling your children about in the future.