MESA at Hunter high school

Melina Gutierrez

What is MESA? Mesa is Mathematics, engineering, science and achievement. What you do in that program you play games with others and almost all of the games are based on math science engineering and sometimes it can be based on other things, you will also build a building with your teammates and you will compete with other teammates. You also play games when it’s a game day and not every day will be game days. There will be days where they take notes and talk about important things. And then at the end of the year or month I don’t know but one of those days you guys will go to lagoon. Also a lot of people take the opportunity of this class because you van get scholarships opportunities for college, which i say is a good thing cause a lot of people need the help if you are interested in mesa join them in B hall 212 they will have the program every first and third wednesday of each month.